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Tech Explained

What is Blockchain Technology?

The term “blockchain technology” typically refers to the transparent, trustless, publicly accessible ledger that allows us to securely transfer the ownership of units of value using public key encryption and proof of work methods.

Tech Explained

How Does Wi-Fi Work ?

Do you ever have that moment where you step back and think about how something you use every day actually works? More specifically have you ever wondered how the heck computers actually communicate wireless ? What Is WiFi ?First, let’s cover some of the basics….

Tech Explained

InterNet ( International Network): 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G & Super Fast 5G

Internet The internet revolutionized the world of computing and communications as never else. The Telegraph, Phone, Television, and Computer invention set the way for this unparalleled capability convergence. The Internet is at once a resource for worldwide communication, a tool for distribution of information, and…